“We exist to redefine the narrative about the role of middle aged women in society.”

In 2023, we started WERTH with the simple goal of elevating the value and voices of middle aged women.  At the heart of our vision is the belief that aging is not a detriment but an opportunity to flourish. We exist to redefine the narrative about the role of middle aged women in society. Through our podcast and online content we aim to encourage women to embrace their evolving health, lifestyle, beauty and fashion choices and empower them to navigate the complexities of midlife with grace and confidence.

We look forward to evolving and embracing the vibrancy of aging with you.

~Maya & Penny

Our purpose is to inspire and elevate women at a time when they may feel limited, irrelevant or cast-aside simply because of their age. We believe in the transformative power of rich and insightful content, a welcome and active community dialogue, and curating products and services that bring vibrancy and fulfillment to the middle aged lifestyle.